
We tend to disregard the most mundane part of our life. Our body and its protector-the skin. Finding fascination in its expectedness with its impulsivness. I try to express a personal view of this duality. Aiming to capture the skins flexibility and tension into a delicate sculptural organism that reveals the complexity of the skin, with its visual biology. Celebrating the skin and its beauty that is not anticipated with the naked eye until it is viewed through a microscopic lens. I am using plaster to capture the smooth tactile surface that invites for a gentle touch, yet keeping in mind the fragility of skin with its thin layer and hollowness without the support of the flesh. This contrast of simple and complex in one, I want to bring to life again on the neck as in hoping it would grow to be as one with its muse along the silk stitches.

necklace plaster, oil paint, lacquer, silk 13x9x10cm 2015

necklace plaster, oil paint, lacquer, silk 15x10x7cm 2015

necklace plaster, oil paint, lacquer, silk 13x10x7cm 2015

necklace plaster, oil paint, lacquer, silk 17x10x7cm 2015

necklace plaster, oil paint, lacquer, silk 14x10x5cm 2015

necklace plaster, oil paint, lacquer, silk 15x10x7cm 2015
©Matthijs Kremers Photography