The Reincarnated bracelets are discovering the opposite characteristics of steel: hardness with softness, heaviness with lightness, industrial with organic. I am trying to confront the massiveness and heaviness of steel into its most minimal and lightest form, while the steel fibers challenge the perception: is itreally steel? By limiting to one material, steel wool and one technique, pressing, I managed an outcome of three different feelings of steel. By not wanting to emphasize the alien like polish of steel, instead i allowed the work process to impact the color to show traces of growth. With the perception of steel as a cold and uninviting material lacking warmth with its harsh features, it is difficult to find organic beauty in it. Thus I felt the need to discover the attractiveness and sensitivity of steel while at the same time redefining the stereotypical characteristics of it.

bracelets steel wool 8x8x5 cm 2014